me and my sis

me and my sis
cameron highland

Monday, December 27, 2010

make me happy and keep smile........

hallo2.....blogers2x cmua hihi..wah ckp mcm rmi jer follow blog sy nie ek.*wink..ok today story so interesting...why?????suprise....hehe.meh cni sy nk sbnrnyer br lps bli kain utk my merisik event tue..hihi.based on previous post kan sy ckp yg sy maybe pospone my event En A sy nie mcm nk cpt lak..his say kt mum die yg die nk kne p outstation kt die nk majlis merisik ktorg will be held as soon as yg sy nie xleh la nk ckp apa2.follow what he say..hehe

tb2 hati berbunga2 lak....
ok nk citer ckit ab this event...follow our planning previously ktorg kan dh decide nk uat 1 january 2011...nice datekan.but the problem is time tue la plk bakal adik ipar sy nie nk blk UiTM shah alam..ish2x kaco tol hihi..but u want to know what i said to En A..."abg kte leh uat majlis tue pg kan lgpn about half and hour jer kan...juz discuss little bit and then proceed to sarung cincin n En A ckp"xblh la syg ari Sabtu suami awk kje"hehe....alamak cowey terlupa la hihi..

so as conclusion nyer...we still discuss about the date..we don't have any fixed day bcoz there is a lot's of obstacle regarding the date...n now i juz want to say praised to allah and a lot's allhamdulliah bcoz God's hear my wish.....Thanx God...

whtever pun anything else abt our event i will inform later k....hihi
so all the B2B must waiting my next post to know abt da date k.......
ok da.......

Sunday, December 12, 2010


yeah akhirnyer berkat doa semua sy telah mendapat result yg pling cemerlang hihi...hepi2 and so hepi...xtau nk ckp cm mn...but i still sad jgk coz still not achieve my target...1st class degree...but i'm hepi coz 4 diz semester i maintain my title iaitu DL stand for Dean LIst la hihi...

allhamdulliah....the result is beyond my expected...coz 4 diz semester i really2 not menangis coz mark test yg suprisingly subjec yg sy membuatkan saya nagis tue sy dpt A....wah thank sir...

ok activity sy monday nie nk intvw...position PEGAWAI UNDANG2...wah jgn tekejut sbb sy sje jer isi tb2 dpt lak pun tekrjut tau...wish me luck k...okla time to searching info nie...nk intvw nt xtau nk jwb apa2....hehe

ha b4 sy terlupa yea 4 ur info majlis merisik sy maybe kne postpone dl k...ha jgn pkir mcm2 hehe...actually sy yg post pone coz nk cri kje dl hehe...

ok da....da....