me and my sis

me and my sis
cameron highland

Friday, March 2, 2012





the 1st sentence that i wish today....why???we as a muslim must appreciate what ALLAH give us....ungkapan yg pnuh bermakna buat aku...wah tb2 lak touching...+_+.

ok 1st thing aku rse bersyukur sgt2 sbb skrg nie tgh counting days for my wedding...a lot's of preparation must done..from 0 until bla...bla..bla..bkn apa bz yang sgt2...sampai nk share and post kt blog nie pun xsmpat..kje???jgn ckpla mmgla EO kt Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor nie a lot's of thing i must do...smua yang related ngan admin aku knela pgang..dr segi attendence, rekod keluar msuk staff..wah smpai ke satu tahapsmpai menagis dpn mak ayh n ckp dh surrender nk mak ayh say "igt dl xda kje mcm mn perasaan??nie dh dpt kje GOVT xkan nk stop mcm tue je...time tue jgk air mata berhenti..tb2 mengimbau kembali memories lps graduate work no money to survive...Jz berharap duit mak ayh...last2 bl dpt offer je dr MAIJ ati trus berbunga2..bersyukur sgt2.thanx ALLAH...ALLAH gives me what i want in my life..

Now, almost 9month i work many pressure..starting from bottom level until top EO aku kne slalu exposekan diri sbb tuntutan kje nie yg uat aku mcm tue..ari nie rse mcm stabil jgk..balance my work, my life, and my fience...EN A sgt2 kdg2 tue gduh jgk..yela msing2 bz..yg aku nie sbuk dgn kursus die lak sbuk outstation..smpai at one stage knela gduh jgk sbb dh bz sgt nk spent masa utk bli brg antaran pun xda...

but now..allhamdulliah again...sbb brg antaran tgal make up,perfume n al quran je yg lom bli...yg lain2 dh settle..tempahan mak andam, katering and brg2 runcit pun dh bli yg bestnya maybe diz moth or next month ktorg pindah uma excited...cantik sgt2 bl ayh cube decorate and design uma tue jd cntik..ala2 English style tue..hihi....

Okla dh mcm2 citer nie...last but not least nk citer yg aku n family bersyukur sgt2 sbb mak n ayh br kuar hospital...hope ksihatan dieorg okla smpai bl2..xmau dh face dat situation...hrp2 apa yg dirancang menjadi kenyataan..

Finally...nk annouce yg my big day is 2 JUNE 2012...nikah maybe 1 JUNE 2012...can't wait for this day...hrp2 sgt theme for diz day menjadi....GARDEN THEME WITH TIFFANY BLUE COLOUR...
